Directed & Edited by Bowman 2024

This was my first 2-day video shoot to date. I had a solid game plan going into this one & the band had some great ideas for playing up the struggles of inner demons. We had plenty of time for prep & most of the ideas were boarded & camera angles worked out well in advance.

There was no playback on this one & the band barely needed any energy direction. Even during the High-speed slow-mo sections when the dust was really kicking up. They found their marks & killed it on all takes.

Corey Bernard as our DOP/cameraman. We cyphened his good energy all weekend. Super easy to work with & had a bunch of great ideas & fixes on the fly. Corey’s one hell of a drummer too!

Special thanks to Evan Holly for doing a killer colour grade. Evan helped a bunch with prep & lighting setup & keeping things moving all weekend. Looking forward to working with Evan again.

Also special thanks to @missivielewis  for being our Demon heroine. When we originally started talking about this late last year – Ivie was my 1st & only choice. We were spent from the day before inhaling dust & paint chips & her & Derek Louis’ vibes were welcomed to Day 2.

The good humans Katakomb had us covered on wardrobe for our Demon girl. She looked the part & creeped us out in between shots. Such a cool look.

Ramon Perez  at the RAID studio graciously lent their storage murder basement to us for the weekend.

Grab a coffee at RAID Gallery Cafe if you’re in the area.

Another great at Be Loud Media production collaboration. Looking forward to future creative challenges.

Music @Trickcasket

Mixed & Co-Produced by @brettisaghost

Video directed, filmed & edited by @bowmanitis

Produced by @beloud_ca

DOP: @coreybernarddrums

Model: @mrsivielewis

Colours: @ej_holly

Wardrobe: @shopkatakomb

Makeup: @longpointphoto

Lights: @ryanoftoronto

Assistant: @satyriac2018

Additional cameras: @dwight.hybrid @suluk46

Location: @raidgallerycafe